The “A” Frame
The basic ‘A’ frame is very simple to produce and can provide hours of entertainment. It can be built using staves or full size spars, depending on what you plan to do with it and it only needs three lashings.
Walking the Giraffe
Make an ‘A’ frame out of staves or light spars and attach 2 ropes to the top and 2 to the bottom ends of the two side spars.
Stand the frame vertically and 4 Scouts, holding the ropes, can make the ‘A’ frame (or giraffe) walk along the length of the Hall. Points are deducted for dragging.
Sedan Chair
Make an ‘A’ frame but lash a couple of extra spars parallel to the base to form a seat.
Lay the frame flat on the floor and one member of the Patrol sits of the seat.
The rest of the Patrol lift the frame shoulder high and carry it around the hall.
The Indian Travois
Build an ‘A’ frame with slightly bigger spars and then string a couple of lashing lengths between the legs to provide a ‘load platform’ This can be quite useful for transporting tents, provided the ground is firm but not across the Warden’s lawn! The travois was quite a common sight in old cowboy films for transporting injured people and more dignified for them than being slung face down over a horse’s saddle.
The Scout Transporter
Build an ‘A’ frame using full size spars – the sides of the frame need to be 4m (12ft) spars.
Do the sheer lashing at the apex some 1m – 1.5m (3ft – 4’6″) from the top of the frame.
Tie two long ropes to the top of each spar.
Push the frame into the stream so that the butt ends of the legs are approximately in the centre, with the top of the frame resting on the bank.
One of the ropes tied to the top of the frame goes to each bank and a further spar is required on each bank.
To use the transporter, a Scout sits on the top of the frame between the spars, facing the opposite bank. The Patrol lifts the top of the frame with the bottom bearing on the bank of the stream. The loose spar is used to push the frame upright into a vertical position. The Scout sitting on the frame holds on for all he or she is worth! Once the frame is upright, it is controlled by hauling on the ropes. The Scout being transported holds tight until the frame is past the vertical and he or she can jump off onto the opposite bank.
Although not for the faint hearted, using a Scout Transporter builds a sense of trust between the members of the Patrol.
To download the complete plan and design document please Click Here